All parents could benefit from the understandings and strategies shared in this 8-week workshop that enhances parent-child connecting and communicating, helps your child grow in self-esteem and a sense of empowerment as they gain age-appropriate problem solving skills; enables parents’ to express their wishes and feelings and get heard, and overall helps the whole family find win-win ways of having fun and enjoying being together.
Parents are often blamed and shamed not trained and famed. Parenting can be confusing and takes so much time and energy. I would like to help you with some advanced parenting skills undergirded by timeless concepts revealed in Thomas Gordon’s book, Parent Effectiveness Training. He has sold over 2 million copies in 30 countries. Experiential learning of his techniques will make parenting worthwhile, but more importantly you will be able to connect with your children in a way that makes them feel heard, held and understood. They will become responsible and able to solve their own problems in age-appropriate way, have advanced social skills and personal clarity. You will be able to manage those emotional outbursts and de-regulated behaviours, and make win-win decisions as a family that everyone contributes to and carries out.