What is Positive Intelligence all About?

Positive Intelligence is explained by the New York Times best selling author Shirzad Carmine in his book based on extensive research in the the fields of Depth Psychology, Neuro Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Sciences and High Performance Coaching.
In essence Shirzad explains through factor analysis the root dynamics of our Survival and Sage brain.
Our Survival brain was constructed to manage as a child with the helpful and painful relationship experiences with primary care takers. It was our childhood way of managing as best we could, with connections and disconnections, loving and fearing, happy times and deeply disturbing events. The core characters of our Survival brain , ruled by the Judge, are 9 Saboteurs: namely: Hyper-Vigilance, Avoidance, being the Victim or a People Pleaser, Restlessness, seeking to be a Hyper-Achiever , a Stickler, a Controller or Hyper-Rational. They sabotage our time and our energy and impact how we relate to ourselves and others. When we have negative feelings they are definitely out to play, and together with the Judge, tell us lies that end up being life-style choices. The Judge and the Saboteurs hang out in our limbic system impacting bonding and survival. They incite fear and anxiety, and are very debilitating.
Shirzad brings hope when he introduces us to another essential area of our brain operating in the Temporal Lobe and other high functioning areas. He calls this area of brain activity our Sage Brain, it is full of Empathy, Curiosity, helps us Navigate and Explore what has deep meaning and motivation, and helps us gain clarity for focused, purposeful Action that transforms our lives. The core characteristics of our Sage brain is love, fun and flow.
E + R = Q
Event plus Response = Outcomes
So when you face life’s challenges and choices which neural pathway will you chose?
The Survival pathway or the Sage pathway.
Your choice will determine the quality and length of your life, your health, and how fulfilling your personal and work relationships are.

Would you like to know more about those Saboteurs….
…so that their voices can be quietened and so that they are less influential in your life? How about doing that from a Nature perspective. I have spent more than a quarter of a century observing wild animals with social behaviour, walking and talking with the Masai and the Bushmen, and swimming with wild, free-moving dolphins. I have discovered that wild animals, dolphins and tribal people offer us great insights as to how to live life in way that helps us not only survive, but thrive.

Would you like to use Your Sage Brain Most Often ….
Would you like to build Mental Resilience through developing the neural pathway leading to your SAGE BRAIN? Would you like the neural pathway to your Sage Brain to become a Neural Highway? You can accomplish this by using specific techniques, daily, like going to the “Mental Muscle Building Gym” that are accessible on Mobile a App?